***We will not have class the following days: November 25-29–Thanksgiving Break, December 23-January 03–Holiday Break, April 07-11–Spring Break***
Champion Kid Gym Ninja:
Our classes are month to month and you will stay automatically enrolled in the class. If you need to drop for any reason, we do require a 2 week drop date notice from the following month. This needs to be requested through the parent portal. Please note that parents are not allowed in the gym areas during class. We do have a viewing area in the lobby.
Ages 5 & up
A physical discipline & non-competitive sport which focuses on efficient movements around obstacles. The purpose of this class is to help students learn how to move through their environment by vaulting, rolling, running, climbing and jumping.
Beginner Ninjas
Intermediate Ninjas
Advanced Ninjas
$70 a month | $40 Family Annual Registration Fee
55 minute class | 1 FREE Trial
CREATE An ACCOUNT and enroll in classes

Learn More
1465 Canton Road, Suite 100
Marietta, Georgia 30066
Hours of Operation
Office Hours:
Monday and Thursday 9-12 PM please email us at championkids1@gmail